Black Tide Brewing

Fuji Kuroshio




People say that this beer is a blend of Weizen yeast and hazy, creating a soft impression due to the yeast's work. It is also rich and full-bodied with a slight bitterness and a hint of astringency, making it satisfying. The attack is sweet and the carbonation is low, making it easy to drink but potentially hard to finish a second glass. It also has a juicy sweetness like nectar, with the taste of peaches replacing berries. Finally, it has a deep flavor that makes it irresistible to keep drinking.

Fuji Kuroshioの説明

BTBの設備を使って、ヴァイツェン酵母のキャラクターを活かしたHazy IPAをつくるため、富士桜高原麦酒の醸造長 天通さんとJamesがzoom会議を何度も行い、完全一致を見出したのは、甘みのあるストロベリーのような香りを持つStrata Hopだった。そのStrataを軸に、ブリュワー陣がチョイスした複数のホップとヴァイツェン酵母が醸し出すアロマとフレーバーをぜひお楽しみください。
