People say that this beer has a delicious flavor when mixed with gin, although it may be too strong to be useful the next day. It has a different taste than last year with a more prominent tangerine flavor compared to the juniper berry, but it is still very enjoyable. It has a deep blood orange flavor, a hint of cardamom, and a relatively high sugar content. The color has changed to a red hue due to an increase in the amount of blood orange. There is a notable alcoholic flavor, although some prefer the balance from the previous version.
静岡県・浜松市産の「三ケ日みかん」を使用した、West Coast Brewing × BLUE LAKE Projectのコラボレーション! 果実が育つ過程で摘果・破棄されてしまう青みかんの価値を見出し、地域と協働で商品化により農家さんの2次収入や地域の新たな収益を創出し、売上の一部を湖の浄化や子ども達へ提供することで持続可能な未来の地域のカタチを目指すこと。ブラッドオレンジの濃厚な香りと共にサワーに投入し、乳酸菌の酸味や乳糖由来の甘み、カルダモンやジュニパーベリーのハーブの風味などが複雑な味わいを楽しめるビールです。